
Effective ways to bet and play better poker!!


Posted by tf216 On 12:12 PM 0 comments

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There is probably no other game that has as plenty of myths & misconceptions as poker. Knowing the difference between the myth & the truth will, no doubt, help any poker player win in the long run. Poker is a game of cards & numbers. The best hand, statistically wins, & this is the fact. So don't become a victim of some popular misconceptions that only will make you loose money.

Myth #1. The winner in poker is the one that wins most pots. Wrong. The object of the game is to win the most amount of Money. In the event you go for winning pots on a regular basis you will loose money. To be a successful poker player you need to know when to abandon the pot & fold your hand. Winning lots of pots & loosing huge pots is a pricey mistake.

Myth #2. You ought to cease when you are ahead on your money. There is absolutely no reason to do so. In the event you are playing well, enjoying yourself, drawing nice hands & have nothing better to do why cease? It is better to continue playing, enjoying yourself & carryover on winning. On the other hand when you don't feel right about the game & things are not working out in your favour this is the time to cease & do something else for some time.

Myth #3. When playing poker you must keep your poker face on at all times. You can be as animated as you require as long as your actions do not show the strength or weakness of your cards.

Myth #4. You must bluff to win at poker. Bluffing is fun and an element of poker strategy, when used correctly. However it can turn out to be dangerous and costly when used in the wrong circumstances and wrong opponents. Bluff against a calling station and you are in massive trouble. Bluff against plenty of people ditto. Don't even try to bluff against over players. And in the event you are caught bluffing plenty of times you can expect more calls from your opponents.

Myth #5. Online poker sites are fixed. Years ago that may had been the case in some instances however not these days. All online poker rooms are licensed and regulated; the license issuing body constantly checks the randomness of the dealt cards and fairness of the play. Online poker rooms employees cannot see your hole cards when they are dealt. This knowledge becomes visible only when the hand is done and available to you in your hands history. Being a director of a poker site, I have top level access to the method and I can assure you that there is no unfair advantage knowledge available to somebody. In fact when you play poker online you are more protected than in the event you were playing in a casino when another player or an observer can catch a glimpse of your cards.

Myth #6. Good poker players are born not made. Although this might be partially correct when it comes to super-super stars, most nice poker players create through lots of practice and diligent studying of the game and numbers behind it. This is why poker is thought about to be a game of skill and those players who analyse and constantly improve their skills make money in poker while others pay for.

Myth #7. Changing sites will modify your luck. In the event you going through a loosing streak it is tempting to try your luck on a brand spanking new poker site and hope for nice. Regrettably this never works for most players. The only thing that will make poker gods smirk at you again is patience, analysis of your play and improving your skills. In fact staying loyal to your selected online poker site pays off better as you get to become familiar with the application, types of players and have can enjoy online poker promotions offered by the site to its faithful players.

Myth #8. You must be tremendous aggressive to be nice in poker. There's only only a few successful players who constantly play tremendous aggressively and win. Those players are mostly poker legends and chiefly match players. Ordinary players who adopt this game style go broke quickly. Players who make money constantly in poker are usually selective than over the top aggressive at all times. You don't require to be wimp, but don't go all in on every hand you get, a more balanced approach will give you much better ends in the long run.



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