
Effective ways to bet and play better poker!!

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#1. Playing lots of hands. This is the most basic mistake that lots of players make. Have a glance at your hands statistics in your poker application. In the event you see over 30% of the flops in Texas Hold'em it is far too much. Tight aggressive players see less than 20%. Yes folding & waiting is uninteresting, but is it fun to loose money? By being selective & playing only good beginning hands won't only give you an edge over your opponents but will save you money in the long run.

#2. Calling when you are behind. Let's say you have a bottom pair and you are against a tight player who is known to play good cards only. There is no point calling and chasing that elusive set or a second pair that will probably never come. On a similar note drawing the second best hand is equally expensive. There is no point to try to draw a straight when there's a possibility of the flush draw in front of you. Every time you win money with such draws you will lose two times the amount when you miss it. In the event you do not have the best hand or the best draw it is time to fold, no exceptions!

#3. Playing at the wrong stakes. Playing at high stakes can kill your bankroll in a matter of minutes. There is no point to join a $5-$10 game with $30. The golden rule of good poker funds management is to play at the right stakes. To outlast a bad run of cards and not go broke it is a good suggestion to have a bankroll of $300 bet maximum in the event you are playing limit poker. The amount is even higher for No Limit tables. Although this may look high it is a statistically proven and recommended maximum level. Play at the stakes you are comfortable at and that suit your skill level. In the event you had a good run on low level tables you don't jump and join the high rollers because your new bankroll can match theirs. If your skills are not at that level you will lose your money quickly.

#4. Getting distracted. Many players you see on the tables when you play in online poker rooms that appear to depend on Auto buttons or appear to take forever to act and trigger time out. They could be playing on lots of tables but usually not paying proper attention and chatting to their friends on Skype, eating dinner, watching television in fact doing anything else but playing poker. Time between hands is better spent observing your opponents, taking notes & analysing their moves. There is a lot information available to you that will make difference to the bottom line. Multi-tasking will cost you funds.

#5. Folding on the river. This is a common mistake that some players make. In the event you are playing with a good beginning hand and made it all the way up to the river your hand ought to be good by now, unless you're busted by a draw. If the pot is a good size it is often a mistake to fold as it will cost you. Bet to see the cards. Pot odds will tell you this. Let's say the pot is $20 & the bet will cost you $2 the odds are 10:1, so in the event you happen to be wrong nine times you will spend $18 but the win will bring you $20 showing $2 profit. If your opponent is known to bluff your pay out will be even bigger.

#6. Concentrating on the cards. Poker is a game of people not cards. Being observant and knowing your opponents is an essential key to success in poker. The cards establish the winner only in showdown situations and good poker player never make it in to that stage as they either make their opponents fold or fold themselves a lot earlier. Doyle Brunson one time said that he could win any game without taking a look at the cards, although this statement might have a tiny bit of California bravado in it. Picking up tells from the opponents & reading their actions is much more important to your poker success.

#7. Not knowing the odds. There is a surprising number of players in online poker rooms who are not aware of essential basis of any poker game. Pot odds. Every bet you make has either positive or negative expectations. So you either have the odds to act or not. There's numerous pot odds calculators available and you don't need a degree to make simple calculations. Although knowledge of your opponents is important a successful poker player cannot overlook the importance of knowing the figures & making decisions based on probable profitability of their hand.

In Conclusion

The object of playing poker is to win money. A successful poker player is the one who manages to minimize the number of mistakes that cost money. However they are all human and make mistakes from time to time. A small mistake, although being irritating, is not a large deal, however some mistakes can turn in to a catastrophe and cost you your bankroll as well as a series of small mistakes made time & time again will have similar financial consequences.



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