
Effective ways to bet and play better poker!!

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#1. Playing lots of hands. This is the most basic mistake that lots of players make. Have a glance at your hands statistics in your poker application. In the event you see over 30% of the flops in Texas Hold'em it is far too much. Tight aggressive players see less than 20%. Yes folding & waiting is uninteresting, but is it fun to loose money? By being selective & playing only good beginning hands won't only give you an edge over your opponents but will save you money in the long run.

#2. Calling when you are behind. Let's say you have a bottom pair and you are against a tight player who is known to play good cards only. There is no point calling and chasing that elusive set or a second pair that will probably never come. On a similar note drawing the second best hand is equally expensive. There is no point to try to draw a straight when there's a possibility of the flush draw in front of you. Every time you win money with such draws you will lose two times the amount when you miss it. In the event you do not have the best hand or the best draw it is time to fold, no exceptions!

#3. Playing at the wrong stakes. Playing at high stakes can kill your bankroll in a matter of minutes. There is no point to join a $5-$10 game with $30. The golden rule of good poker funds management is to play at the right stakes. To outlast a bad run of cards and not go broke it is a good suggestion to have a bankroll of $300 bet maximum in the event you are playing limit poker. The amount is even higher for No Limit tables. Although this may look high it is a statistically proven and recommended maximum level. Play at the stakes you are comfortable at and that suit your skill level. In the event you had a good run on low level tables you don't jump and join the high rollers because your new bankroll can match theirs. If your skills are not at that level you will lose your money quickly.

#4. Getting distracted. Many players you see on the tables when you play in online poker rooms that appear to depend on Auto buttons or appear to take forever to act and trigger time out. They could be playing on lots of tables but usually not paying proper attention and chatting to their friends on Skype, eating dinner, watching television in fact doing anything else but playing poker. Time between hands is better spent observing your opponents, taking notes & analysing their moves. There is a lot information available to you that will make difference to the bottom line. Multi-tasking will cost you funds.

#5. Folding on the river. This is a common mistake that some players make. In the event you are playing with a good beginning hand and made it all the way up to the river your hand ought to be good by now, unless you're busted by a draw. If the pot is a good size it is often a mistake to fold as it will cost you. Bet to see the cards. Pot odds will tell you this. Let's say the pot is $20 & the bet will cost you $2 the odds are 10:1, so in the event you happen to be wrong nine times you will spend $18 but the win will bring you $20 showing $2 profit. If your opponent is known to bluff your pay out will be even bigger.

#6. Concentrating on the cards. Poker is a game of people not cards. Being observant and knowing your opponents is an essential key to success in poker. The cards establish the winner only in showdown situations and good poker player never make it in to that stage as they either make their opponents fold or fold themselves a lot earlier. Doyle Brunson one time said that he could win any game without taking a look at the cards, although this statement might have a tiny bit of California bravado in it. Picking up tells from the opponents & reading their actions is much more important to your poker success.

#7. Not knowing the odds. There is a surprising number of players in online poker rooms who are not aware of essential basis of any poker game. Pot odds. Every bet you make has either positive or negative expectations. So you either have the odds to act or not. There's numerous pot odds calculators available and you don't need a degree to make simple calculations. Although knowledge of your opponents is important a successful poker player cannot overlook the importance of knowing the figures & making decisions based on probable profitability of their hand.

In Conclusion

The object of playing poker is to win money. A successful poker player is the one who manages to minimize the number of mistakes that cost money. However they are all human and make mistakes from time to time. A small mistake, although being irritating, is not a large deal, however some mistakes can turn in to a catastrophe and cost you your bankroll as well as a series of small mistakes made time & time again will have similar financial consequences.


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Every poker player has a kind of game that they play, great poker players can alter their styles to their opponents & play the type of game suited for the opponents at the table. So what kind of player types are you able to run in to at the tables & what characterizes the type of game that they are playing. Below I will go through the different poker playing types , advantage & disadvantage of playing these that they have.

Loose Passive Type:

Loose passive players are often the fish, inexperienced poker players, they see the game as entertainment & don't mind losing some money. These players always need to be in the action so they play every beginning hand that they are dealt, they check & call. In case you enjoy playing the game this way that is perfectly fine, there's other hobbies that can be more expensive. But this is the dream opponent for the experienced poker player, they can win some hands but in the finish they will leave all the money at the table.

How do I play against a loose passive player? This is not complicated. Here you need not play an advanced game, keep it simple. Bet if you know that you have the better hand, check when you are not positive, they will follow & check right along with you. Always stay mentally strong, if the loose passive player makes a bet you can give him credit for a better hand. These players do some time get lucky; they can hit some fantastic hands that can shake you up. Don't get tilted, or perhaps the tables can turn & you becomes the fish.

Loose Aggressive Type:

Aggressive betting can turn a slow poker game in to a crazy ride. Loose aggressive types are in lots of cases to aggressive in the game, they will raise with any cards in the hand. Aggression is a quality that a nice poker player needs, but they must merge it with lots of other qualities and skills if they desire to become a successful poker player. This player types can win some blinds and antes, and steal lots of pots with lousy hands. But when they do receive a nice hand they can get paid with a sizable chip stack, since they play all their hands in the same aggressive way nobody knows when they got a good hand.

Even if this spices up the game and makes it exciting, this is not the right way to play poker. This type of player has a necessity to bet and rely on chance, nice poker players rely on their skills and abilities to make use of them. Finally these players will win some hands, but in the long term they will lose even more. Loose aggressive players can do well against passive players; they will fold most of the times. These players have potential to become nice poker players; but they need to learn all of the other sides of the game.

How do I play against a loose aggressive player? Well you need to understand that you can call with a much weaker hand than you're use to. Use their uncontrolled aggression against them, make definite that you call and raise with the right hands. As I mentioned before these players can get lucky and win some nice pots, but it can also go quick the other way. Try to keep away from lose aggressive players at a shorthanded table, in case you don't have a solid bankroll, things can go bad quick if it is not your day.

Tight Aggressive Type:

The tight aggressive player chooses his hands carefully and only plays the ones he/she believes that they can win. When they plays their hand they do it aggressively. Normally these players only play about every fifth hand that is dealt to them; they have patience and are waiting for the right hand to play. When they play their hand they go for the kill, these are the sharks of poker. The most successful poker players slot in to this type of poker player. Controlled aggressive play to make use of every factor at hand to calculate their chance of winning.

There is not lots of weaknesses to point at in this type of players game, but in a shorthanded game you can use his tight game against him. The blind and antes comes more often here, the players at the table must lower the crossbar for their beginning hands. This might turn the tight aggressive type in to a "tight passive type", see how to play against them here below.

Tight Passive Type:

Tight passive players will check or call in plenty of places where it would have been better to bet or raise. The strategy against this type of poker player is not so hard to figure out; bet and raise. And in the event that they follow you on this, make definite to back down unless you don't have a killer hand.

Tight passive types have the quality of patience, it is nice to have patience as a poker player but still you must merge it with other skills and qualities. The thing that these players lack is aggression; this is something that you must do to become a successful poker player. These players can make a nice amount of money from the fish, the loose passive types. But when it comes to the sharks, the tight aggressive types, they will tidy his bankroll at the blinds and antes. This type folds out of the game when the aggressive players start to bet.

The Moral of the Article:

These are the basic four types of players that you can meet in a poker game, but remember that the truly skillful players will adapt to his opponent and change the game he plays. This will confuse other players and make it harder for them to read their game. The important thing to begin with is to know the different types and how to recognize them, after that you will observe and identify players. Some players can alternate their play at every round of the game, but sooner or later you will find a pattern that will help you to use his strategy against him. Observe and analyze your opponent, make a note when you see something that will give you a clue to revealing his overall poker strategy. When you have figured it out you will also begin to recognize his poker tells Now it is only a matter of time before you have cleaned out his bankroll, if he doesn't back out of the game before that happens.


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Money management in poker is of those subjects that either gets overlooked by some players while being over emphasized by others. So I would like to share my view on this idea, dispel some myths and make suggestions on how to keep and increase your bankroll. Any serious poker player understands that the bankroll is his poker enterprise capital and lifeline therefore correct capital management is essential for long term success.

-Quit while you are ahead. The most popular poker myths which still popular with some players. Advocates of this approach recommend taking your money out of the game one time you have reached a definite level of winnings on the basis so you take your profit and not give it back. But give it some thought this only makes sense in the event you cease playing poker forever or play very occasionally. In the event you return to the table tomorrow and lose, are you any better off because you stopped as a winner yesterday and had this money in your pocket or in your account for a few hours? The simple truth is if the game is lovely and you are winning there is no reason at all to cease. If the game is bad, you are an underdog, you are feeling ill, worn out, upset, stressed cease. It does not matter in the event you are winning or loosing, in the event you are not playing your best it is better to do something else and come back to poker another time.

-Stop-Loss myth follows neatly from Quit while you are ahead. Are you going to play poker tomorrow? Do you think you can win tomorrow? What is the difference between continuing playing now and returning to the table tomorrow? One time again none, so in the event you feel lovely about the game, you are a favorite to win, in the event you are playing at your skill and stake level there is no need to cease when you lost a predetermined amount of money for that day. Of work you must never play with the money you can't afford to lose, never put your mortgage, rent, food money on the table and hope for the best. In the event you play together with your set up poker bankroll it is a better option to drop down and play smaller limits to build your money up.

Play at the right stake limit. The golden rule of nice poker money management is to play at the right stakes. To outlast a bad run of cards and not go broke it is a nice suggestion to have a bankroll of 300 bet maximum in case you are playing limit poker. The amount is even higher for No Limit tables. Although this may look far high it is a statistically proven and recommended maximum level. Play at the stakes you are comfortable at and that suit your skill level. In case you had a nice run on low level tables you don't have to jump and join the high rollers because your new bankroll can match theirs. If your skills are not at that level you will lose your money quickly.

-Continue building your bankroll. In case you are serious about poker and intend to continue playing and move to higher stakes reinvest the money you have won. like in business it is wise to put your profits back in to the company to maintain it's growth.

-Make use of online poker promotions. All online poker rooms offer their players some thrilling promotions to keep their custom. So make sure you capitalise on those. You don't need any money to enter Freeroll tournaments and you can win actual money to start up your bankroll. You require to treat yourself to a new gadget like an iPad or an iPod? You don't need to cut down your bankroll to buy them. Play in an online poker room that offers those gifts and get the things you require for playing poker. Require to check your skills and luck in a giant live poker event? Do not go and buy yourself straight in. Online poker rooms always offer players a chance qualify online to live poker events either free or a tiny buy-in amount.



Posted by tf216 On 12:12 PM 0 comments

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There is probably no other game that has as plenty of myths & misconceptions as poker. Knowing the difference between the myth & the truth will, no doubt, help any poker player win in the long run. Poker is a game of cards & numbers. The best hand, statistically wins, & this is the fact. So don't become a victim of some popular misconceptions that only will make you loose money.

Myth #1. The winner in poker is the one that wins most pots. Wrong. The object of the game is to win the most amount of Money. In the event you go for winning pots on a regular basis you will loose money. To be a successful poker player you need to know when to abandon the pot & fold your hand. Winning lots of pots & loosing huge pots is a pricey mistake.

Myth #2. You ought to cease when you are ahead on your money. There is absolutely no reason to do so. In the event you are playing well, enjoying yourself, drawing nice hands & have nothing better to do why cease? It is better to continue playing, enjoying yourself & carryover on winning. On the other hand when you don't feel right about the game & things are not working out in your favour this is the time to cease & do something else for some time.

Myth #3. When playing poker you must keep your poker face on at all times. You can be as animated as you require as long as your actions do not show the strength or weakness of your cards.

Myth #4. You must bluff to win at poker. Bluffing is fun and an element of poker strategy, when used correctly. However it can turn out to be dangerous and costly when used in the wrong circumstances and wrong opponents. Bluff against a calling station and you are in massive trouble. Bluff against plenty of people ditto. Don't even try to bluff against over players. And in the event you are caught bluffing plenty of times you can expect more calls from your opponents.

Myth #5. Online poker sites are fixed. Years ago that may had been the case in some instances however not these days. All online poker rooms are licensed and regulated; the license issuing body constantly checks the randomness of the dealt cards and fairness of the play. Online poker rooms employees cannot see your hole cards when they are dealt. This knowledge becomes visible only when the hand is done and available to you in your hands history. Being a director of a poker site, I have top level access to the method and I can assure you that there is no unfair advantage knowledge available to somebody. In fact when you play poker online you are more protected than in the event you were playing in a casino when another player or an observer can catch a glimpse of your cards.

Myth #6. Good poker players are born not made. Although this might be partially correct when it comes to super-super stars, most nice poker players create through lots of practice and diligent studying of the game and numbers behind it. This is why poker is thought about to be a game of skill and those players who analyse and constantly improve their skills make money in poker while others pay for.

Myth #7. Changing sites will modify your luck. In the event you going through a loosing streak it is tempting to try your luck on a brand spanking new poker site and hope for nice. Regrettably this never works for most players. The only thing that will make poker gods smirk at you again is patience, analysis of your play and improving your skills. In fact staying loyal to your selected online poker site pays off better as you get to become familiar with the application, types of players and have can enjoy online poker promotions offered by the site to its faithful players.

Myth #8. You must be tremendous aggressive to be nice in poker. There's only only a few successful players who constantly play tremendous aggressively and win. Those players are mostly poker legends and chiefly match players. Ordinary players who adopt this game style go broke quickly. Players who make money constantly in poker are usually selective than over the top aggressive at all times. You don't require to be wimp, but don't go all in on every hand you get, a more balanced approach will give you much better ends in the long run.



Posted by tf216 On 1:06 PM 0 comments

Hey Guys be sure to check out the New Poker Books page and the New Poker Video Tutorials Page. I'm also working on an Online Poker page we're you will not only find links but also reviews of Online Poker sites. Hope you enjoy!!



Posted by tf216 On 9:41 PM 0 comments

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Wouldn't you like to know if your opponent is lying when he pushes all in? With a little knowledge and observation skills, you can apply some formulaic tricks to learn how to knock down that bluffing bully.


  1. Don't look at their eyes! Your dear mom's advice of looking someone in the eye to see if they are lying is actually quite useless in telling you if someone is lying. Many liars have no problems looking someone in the eye, including poker players.
    • Strong means weak. When a player is trying to bluff you, their natural basic reaction is to try and look intimidating so that you'll meekly fold your hand away. This generally involves slamming down chips, talking loud and staring you down.
    • Weak means strong. On the other hand, when someone has a monster of a hand, they want to look as meek and passive as possible, to convince you to bet into them. This usually comes in the form of big sighs, slumping in their chairs, saying things like "I *guess* I'll bet.." or shaking their head. Never believe for a second the oscar performances you see at a table- if they're showing anything, it's usually on purpose.
    • The shoulder crunch. One of the most popular vacation activities is to get a good old massage. Why? Because of all that tension in our shoulders that we develop. Stress causes our shoulders to tense up, which if you're keenly observant, you can see in some of your opponents by a slight crunch. If you see it, it usually means your opponent is scared (read: bluffing) or has a weak hand.
    • The shoulder drop. When your opponent drops his shoulder (slightly) that usually means your opponent missed his or her hand. This is caused by a release of stress that causes the shoulders to unclamp. If your opponent had hit their card, the tension would still be in the game and you wouldn't notice any variation in their shoulders, since there was no release point. That said, if you see a huge shoulder drop, it's not normal (read: on purpose for you to see), which means a strong hand.
    • The heavy breathing. Another big indicator in the physiological stress game. Stress means higher pulse, which requires more air circulation to supply oxygen to the bloodstream. When an opponent starts breathing heavily in a deep up and down motion (as opposed to hyperventilating), that is a good sign that something is deeply stressing him or her out. If your opponent has just made a huge bet, chances are that he's bluffing. On the other hand, if he is not currently making the action and he's stressed, you'd better watch out for a monster! (This is why it's important to pay attention to everyone during a poker game.)
    • Talking or not talking. When a quiet guy at the game suddenly starts talking, it's time to pay attention. Quiet guys are quiet because they're introveted people. Introverted people don't talk because it tends to stress them out. This means that if a quiet guy is talking, he's quite relaxed, which means he's probably got a monster and isn't worried about his hand. On the flip side, if a big talker suddenly gets quiet, he's devoting most of his brain power to his hand. Chances are, he's got something good and needs to think about how to play it out.
    • Intently staring. If you've ever played any board game and wanted to know what part of the board your opponent was thinking about, just look at -where- his eyes are looking. Same goes with poker. If you're close enough, you can see if he might be staring intently at that Ace or King when the board flops. If he stares long, he's probably hit it, whereas a quick glance and lean back usually means it's not what he wanted to see.
    • Shaking hands (the tremors). This is a huge tell of a player holding a monster of a hand. Some people think this means a player is nervous as hell about a bluff, but if someone is this nervous, they aren't in any condition to make a bluff. Usually a tell given off by newer players who have trouble holding their emotions in, Aces, sets and other huge hands are what you can expect when someone bets with shaking hands.
      • On the other hand, when you see shaking stop, that is a big tell your opponent is bluffing. The best example of this, is seen right after your opponent bets into you, look for any signs that he is trying to control himself. This is especially apparent in people who shake/jiggle/bob their legs unconsciously, when they make a bluff all of a sudden this unconscious movement stops as they attempt to control all movement so as not to give away tells!
    • Betting patterns! Apart from a lot of the hocus pocus of tells and going to the nth degree of observing which direction your opponent spins his chips into the pot, the biggest indicator you can use are straight up in front of you- how your opponent bets. An opponent who normally raises pre-flop to five multiples of the blinds suddenly makes it 2x the blind instead. This is a major tell- he wants you to call. Or he makes it 10x the blind- he wants you to fold. Being able to observe these type of pattens in conjunction with your


  • Just remember, while tells are scientifically based on the human reaction and physiological traits, not everyone reacts in the same way. Some people get stressed when they bluff, but not when they have a monster. Others get excited when they bluff but calmly handle huge hands. It depends on your opponents.
  • Online poker is a completely different camp than real life poker. You can find good lessons and details for online poker tells here and information on bluffing here.


  • Don't get so caught up in tells that you miss out on the whole poker game. While the pros are able to take in information from multiple facets at once, the new player is so overwhelmed with all the information at the table that keeping up can be hard at times. Concentrate first on the game, then when you are accustomed to the game, focus then on your opponents' reactions and behaviors.
  • After reading this How-To, don't make the mistake of putting out tells yourself! You should realize quite quickly that even attempting to put out a tell can have the effect of backfiring if your opponent knows what he is doing. So, if you are going on a bluff, the worst thing possible would be to stare down your opponent, start talking trash and act big. That's a big no-no!

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